AI-Powered Data Integrity

Powering InfiniSafe Cyber Detection

CyberSense® for InfiniSafe® Cyber Detection

CyberSense is seamlessly integrated with Infinidat’s storage platforms, notably InfiniBox and InfiniBox SSA.

Operating within the InfiniSafe immutable storage platform, CyberSense actively scans production data snapshots and promptly identifies any instances of data corruption stemming from ransomware attacks. Upon detection, CyberSense generates comprehensive forensic reports detailing the scope of the attack, pinpointing its location, and providing insights into the most recent clean versions of the affected files, facilitating swift recovery.  With CyberSense organizations can quickly and intelligently recover from a cyberattack. 

InfiniSafe is an available addition to both InfiniBox and InfiniBox SSA installations. For further information, please get in touch with Infinidat directly or reach out to your Infinidat partner.

Index Engines clients range from small data environments that manage terabytes of content to global firms that support complex data environments measured in petabytes. Deployments include everything from data minimization, legacy backup catalog and data consolidation, to ransomware recovery and governance readiness.

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